Christmas is coming and will soon be here, so we are busy putting all of our plans together for a meaningful celebration of our Savior’s birth. This year, our theme is Why Christmas? We will explore why we celebrate Christmas: the when, the why, and the how. Each Sunday leading to Christmas, we will look to scripture for our answers, culminating on Christmas Eve, when we will see why.
LIVE Nativity Saturday, December 14th –LIVE Nativity - For our 10th time, we will again present the story of Jesus’ birth through a Live Nativity entitled “Where is He? Each time, we have told the same story of the Nativity differently, and again, this year, we are presenting the message of Christmas through the Nativity in a new way at the Neese Farm. We will need volunteers to help build the set, actors with both speaking and non-speaking parts, volunteers to help with a children’s craft, refreshments, parking, and set tear down. This has become a wonderful outreach for our com munity. More information will be announced. Sign up in the foyer if you would like to help!
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve – As our tradition, we will gather at 9:00 pm for a candle, carol, and communion service. This is a way to keep Christ in Christmas, so invite your family, friends, and neighbors.
Un-Deck the Halls Sunday, January 5th beginning at 3:00 p.m., we will take all of our Christmas decorations down and pack them away. If you have any questions, please see Steve.