Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner We will celebrate Thanksgiving together on Sunday, November 17th, following our morn ing services. We ask each family to bring a side dish or dessert to share. The turkey and drinks will be provided. Hope you will join us!
Euchre-Bingo-Chili Cook-off On Sunday, January 26th, we will host our annual Chili Cook off, Bingo, and Euchre Tournament. All chilies must be at the church by 5:00 pm so that judging can begin. We will choose the winners across several different categories. Sign-up sheets will be in the foyer beginning in January. Again this year, we will also play Bingo beginning around 5:15 pm with prizes for the winners! We hope to eat around 6:00 pm and have the Euchre tourna ment afterward. We also ask each family to bring a finger food or dessert to share. Mark your calendars and get those recipes ready!