As I write this article, my feet are cold, as is the tip of my nose. The temperature on the thermostat says 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but I’m questioning that. January has been a brute weather-wise. Today, I anticipate Friday, February 2nd, which is Groundhog Day, hoping for no shadow so that an early spring will come. Of course, I know this is only an old, wives tale and has no bearing on the coming of spring. Sometimes, that groundhog may make the correct prediction, but we know the truth. God is the only one who can control the weather.
We can’t change whatever the weather is on any day of the year; we just have to learn to cope with it. What helps us cope? The hope of what is to come beyond it. Life is often symbolized as the seasons of the year. There are good days and stormy days in every season, but winter often has the greatest effect on our minds and faith. Sometimes, the winter of our lives seems long and hard, but when we remember that through the struggle, there is hope for what is promised. Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you may have peace in me. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Just as we are assured of troubles, we can be assured victory over them through Jesus. Just as we can’t control the weather, we can choose how we deal with it, and that is the same for our lives, too. Jesus is offering us a way to deal with the struggles, troubles, and storms of our lives so that we can overcome them. There is hope beyond them. Just as we hope for spring with its warmer weather, leafing of trees, and blooming of flowers, let us live our lives with the promise of Heaven to come, which very well may come before the next change of seasons. Titus 2:13: while we wait for the blessed hope--the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, Hold on! This, too, will pass!
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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