June 2018This past weekend, I witnessed a true blessing. As communion was being past, one of newest sisters in Christ was about to take communion for the very first time. I watched her as she anticipated the moment. She quickly reached into the basket to get one of the communion packages (this was our outdoor service, so we were using the disposable packets) With hesitation she looked around at everyone as if she had done something wrong as she clutched the package in her hand tightly. She, like all of us, struggled to open the packet, but soon she managed just as the communion scripture was being read… “This is my body, take it and eat. Do this in remembrance of me.” She did as we did. She then placed the cup in her hand and brought it close to her lips as the scripture was read… “This is my blood, take it and drink. Do this in remembrance of me.” After she drank she got the biggest grin on her face. She had just passed into a moment of communion with God and with us, as a church.
What a wonderful moment it was for her, and for me. Truthfully speaking, that is the same way that we should come to the Lord’s table each week. Not as a habit or a have to, but as a want to and a can’t wait to. It is a special time – we do need to cherish it and not forsake it. In a few weeks, Danny Pierce will be delivering a message in my absence on communion. It is something that is important. Christ did call us to remember and partake, but it is also a wonderful time that we get to have each week with Him and with each other. Look forward to it! If you are away from church this summer, plan on taking communion, either by attending another church wherever you are, or plan ahead and take the emblems with you or go to the grocery store. The effort taken will make it special for you and your family. You really don’t have to go to much trouble, pause and communion with Him where you are… alone or together with friends, family, or church – spend communion with HIM! It is special.
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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