This year we will be hosting events to reach our community’s needs through our Mission Advance efforts with the theme, “I’m Blessed, so I Bless!” Our challenge is rooted in the last portion of Matthew 10:8, where Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.” In this passage, he talks to his 12 Apostles and prepares them to go out evangelizing without him. He gave them detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do. He also told them what to take and what not to take with them. He told them these things so they could see how God would provide for them. Then he blessed them with the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those with leprosy. Wow! Now that is a gift! But these gifts came with responsibilities – they couldn’t just keep them for themselves – they had to use them for God’s glory and the people’s good. I think the word “freely” is important to this passage. They didn’t pay anything for this gift – it was free! So, they could only give it freely. That means they couldn’t charge for the healings or require the people to do anything to get it. It was given free and was to be given free. I think this passage has much for us to consider. What has God given to you freely. Are you giving it freely to others for His glory and their good? We have to all agree that we each have been blessed and not all in the same ways. So with what God has blessed us, we need to bless others with it, thus, I’m blessed, so I bless! Look and see God’s blessings to you and bless someone else in turn! Look for the ways you can bless! They are there! God has put them there. More information will be announced about upcoming projects and activities at a later date...
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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