As we approach VBS, I just wanted to share a few memories from my VBS days. Vacation Bible School was always a big part of our summer. I don’t mean just one week at our church; I mean several weeks going to other community churches. In those days, there wasn’t as much to do during the day, so our mothers would take turns carting us off to whichever church was hosting a VBS – the Baptist Church, the Church of God, and our own church. Then, VBS was always from 9:00 am to 12 noon each day of the week with a program at the end. Sometimes, it would be two weeks. As I got older, there was a switch to evening times because of the number of volunteers needed to pull VBS off. It was the largest effort of evangelism in our community. Beyond that, I volunteered and even lead VBS for many years before I became a minister.
After becoming a minister, VBS was again a major effort to evangelize our community requiring many volunteers. Though tiring, I remained excited about VBS. In all of my years, I don’t think I have missed more than 2 years of VBS in the last 50 plus years! I am thankful we still have VBS today! Today, we have had to evolve our VBS effort to meet the busyness of our congregation and community, which isn’t a bad thing. Days, times and even the VBS structure have had to change to remain effective in reaching the children of our congregation and community. VBS takes effort. If we put forth the effort in planning, preparing,, decorating, teaching, inviting, transporting and doing whatever needs to be done to make it happen – the Lord will bless our efforts. The goal of VBS is to share the love and grace of God through His Son, Jesus. It is the lessons from God’s word, the efforts of God’s people and the work of the Holy Spirit that will reap the harvest in years to come. VBS is coming and I am excited! Are you? Get involved!
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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