From Steve’s Desk:
“Jesus said, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Jesus spoke these words eight times in the Gospels and another seven times in Revelation in some form or another. He may have said them even more that were not recorded. It is His most repeated phrase that He used. Was it just a habit and His go to phrase? No, I think He used them intentionally and directly. Many times that Jesus used these words were just before He would teach a parable or deliver an important message. Does it seem odd that Jesus would need to say this phrase? Doesn’t everyone have ears? Well, yes, but I am fully aware of many in our world who cannot hear or who are limited in their hearing. If Jesus were speaking to them, He would have spoken loudly and clearly and may have even written it down for their understanding. I think each time that Jesus said these words He was speaking directly to those who were intently listening and He wanted to give them an important message that others would not hear or understand because they were not listening. He was directing His message to people eager to listen. Husbands, I know that sometimes we get accused of not listening or of having selective hearing. Whether we chose not – we still didn’t hear it. We may have heard something, but we didn’t catch it. Guilty or not, we probably do need to pay more attention. As Christians, many times we may feel that we are not hearing God, or that God is being silent. Have you ever felt that you were having a one sided conversation with God? Sure you have, we all do. God’s Word does indicate that God always speaks to us and answers our prayers and gives us direction, but we don’t always hear Him. Job 33: 14-16a: 14 For God does speak—now one way, now another—though no one perceives it. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, 16 he may speak in their ears.” God’s voice can come in many different forms and delivered in many different ways – directly in a loud audible voice as he spoke to Noah, Moses and others. He spoke to Samuel and many others is visions and dreams. He spoke to prophets in revelations and inspirations through words. He also spoke through people, and even a donkey, to deliver a specific message for a specific time. I believe that God speaks the most to us through His spirit within us. Oh, He could choose to speak in whatever way He desires, so don’t limit God. But, we need be open to listening. We need to put our self in the place of being able to hear Him speak. Yes, we have ears and we need to use them. Just like Jesus in the scriptures, He willingly speaks to those who are eagerly listening. We all need to find a place, a time, and a focus to listen for God to speak. That sometimes means that we need to close our mouths in order to hear. Look around. Be open to Him. He is speaking to each of us. “He who has ears let him hear.” John 10:27: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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