Mission Advance THANK YOU!
Mission Advance is almost over for another year. It has truly been a blessing to serve God with you in reaching our congregation and community with God’s love. Our theme, BE MOVED to Go; to Do and to Give has given us the opportunities to love not just in word or in tongue, but in action and in truth as directed in I John 3:18. I was moved by your efforts and your love. Thank you! This year, our Do project list included: The Handicap Ramp Project – The project was completed with many hours of labor in planning and construction. It is a blessing to the family it was built for and they are so appreciative. The Town Lobby Painting Project – This project for the town of Advance has not been completed yet, but will soon. We have the volunteers, we are just waiting for the time. The Fire Pit Project – our fire pit project was completed on Saturday, September 16th with several volunteers giving of their time and energy. It is truly a welcomed addition to our facilities and will be of great use. Another Do project was our Pie Appreciation Project. This year volunteers donated 39 fruit pies that were given to show our appreciation for the public-school teachers of our congregation and the staff of Western Boone Community School Corporation at Grandville Wells, Thorntown and Webo Jr. & Sr. High School. This small act of kindness was well received. Our last Do project was our Burp Cloth Sewing Project. This year several volunteers cut, sewed and ironed burp cloths that will be given to the Payton Manning’s Children’s Hospital NIC Unit at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Our Go projects were also a success: We ask for volunteers to go into our community to represent Christ’s love from our congregation. This year a group went to the Shalom House and volunteered serving food; another group worked at the Webo Food Pantry, and another group represented Christ at the LOVE INC. Homecoming Fundraising Banquet. The Banquet raised over $27,000.00 to help meet the needs of our community through this wonderful arm of the church who provide benevolence. We also donated a beautiful basket of bibles and décor items that was sold in their silent auction. We are fortunate to have been involved in such a worthy cause. Finally, a group of our volunteers when to Homewood Care Facility and staffed a carnival for the grandchildren, great grandchildren and residents. It was a fun night for all. Our final emphasis was being moved to Give and give you did. We asked for monetary donations to provide a housewarming gift for Josh and Chloe Glenn, our missionaries from Hope Inner City to Columbus, Ohio. We were fortunate to host Josh and Chloe and their family on Sunday, September 24th for an update on their new mission area. Josh and Chloe have relocated to the new area in downtown Columbus to begin a new ministry. We were able to give them approximately $1,100 for their home needs. We are also in the process of collecting baby items for our missionaries to Haiti, Zach and Christie Clayton and their daughter, Malia who is due in November. Zach and Christie will be with us for our 5th Sunday Fellowship on Sunday, October 29th. We will have a fellowship breakfast with them and host a baby shower. We are seeking baby items for a baby girl as well as monetary donations. They will be using the items themselves and donating items to families in Haiti as well. All donations need to be brought on or before October 29th. Finally, we were challenged to give financially to aid the recent hurricane victims of the Caribbean and the southern United States by partnering with IDES – International Disaster Emergency Services, a mission organization that provides relief to those in need. This organization gave ACCC funds after the last tornado in our community that was used to help rebuild and meet needs. We were able to give $604.00 to that relief effort. Though Mission Advance is over for this year, our call to action is not. We need to continue to put ourselves, as individuals and as a congregation, in the position to be moved to give, to go and to do. God will move us, but we have to let Him lead. Thank you for being moved – I was moved by you!
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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