![]() Wow! Where did this year go? It seems like we just got started and before we know it…it will all be over. I’ve heard it said, that the older you get, the faster the years go and I believe it! A busy and hectic schedule adds to life’s speed. I find that the more I have to do, the faster time goes by. Then I seem to be living from event to event and not able to enjoy what is happening and then it over and on to the next thing. Oh, I’d rather be busy than bored, but some days, give me the chance to get bored. Do you ever feel that way? Now that October is over, we all know what is coming… the holidays. Are you ready for them? There is a lot to get done in a short amount of time. Maybe we should have started earlier? Soon we may be faced with the reality of what is going to get done and what is not. These are not always easy decisions to make, but we have to get control. Right? Is prioritizing the answer? Making a list of what is most important could help? But, what is most important? We all have things. We all have important things, but we also all have things that we don’t have to do. Such a dilemma we are in! This is only the struggle of our schedules. Our lives are filled with other struggles too! The Apostle Paul was in the midst of a struggle in his letter to the church at Rome. “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do.” Romans 7:15 Paul’s confession is a heart-felt examination of his life and actions. He admits that sin often plays a part in what he does. We too could make the same confession. Paul is talking about more than just his schedule, but I think we can agree that our culture tempts us in so many ways and it becomes almost impossible not to fall prey to its enticements and busyness that we fail. Priorities are a great place to start in getting control and direction, but the success is found in working TOGETHER! TOGETHER? With whom? Your spouse? Your parents? Your siblings? Your children? Your best friends? Your village? Yes…all of those are by God’s design to be our support and encouragement, but HE is to be our strength and guide. He has given us help, and promised to help. He’s given His Word, His Spirit, and His Church to lead you. Paul reveals this in that same passage… “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Jesus is our answer too! Knowing what to do, and what not to do will take a lot of prayer and evaluations by asking…What does God want for me? For us? For my family? It isn’t that all your activities be evolved around the church, but all your activities glorify Him where ever you go and whatever you do! As the holidays approach – may we strive to get control over our time and self so that we can enjoy our freedom, the most important gift given to us on that first Christmas.
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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