Thank YOU! Well, it is hard to believe, but Lisa and I have just completed our 7th year serving God at Advance. Time has sure flown by, and yet so much has happened in that time. We feel grateful and feel blessed to be here. Thank you for your continued love, support, and encouragement.
Recently, I’ve been thinking about all of those who have gone before us here at Advance. Several have passed on to their eternal reward since I have been here, but you all will remember many more. The many men and women who served Christ and His Church here at Advance, The North Church, and The East Church have left us with a wonderful facility and a great example to follow. But that is the past. We need to keep focusing on the here and now with an eye toward the sky, waiting for Christ’s return. We can spend a lot of time recounting all that has been done, but we also need to look around and see all that there is still to do. God has, and will continue to call his people to put their love in action to carry out his will. It is good to look back and see how far we have come, but we must keep looking around to see what still needs to be done. Jesus to His apostles, “The fields are ripe for the harvest, but my workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Matthew 9:37-38. This passage is looking around in the moment and calls for action now. We can’t keep looking back; we must keep looking around and doing what God calls us to do. The fields are ready. The workers are few. Let’s follow the workers of the past and reach out now. God has readied the harvest; we just need to bring it in!
AuthorSteve Vitaniemi Archives
January 2025
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