November – Walking with God! This month, we will look at our relationship with God as we walk through life. Life is hard, and we become weary along the way. We must keep in step with the Spirit as we face the troubles and struggles of this world in faith. Our faith doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to be enough. It is also vital to know that our faith doesn’t begin in us; it starts with Jesus because he is the perfecter and pioneer of our faith. As we journey through this life, we must ask ourselves: Are we walking in His Direction, in His way, under HIS strength, and with His purpose? Let’s keep step in faith! December –Why Christmas? Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Christmas the way we do? Do we know why we even celebrate it at all. Christmas is a big celebration in our year, but is it becoming more than it should be, or are we celebrating as we should be? Even though we celebrate it every year, do we fully understand why? So, as we look at this thing called Christmas, may we find the true reason to celebrate! January – God will use this… In the new year, we will begin studying how God uses things, people, and situations, even the good, the bad, and the ugly, to point us to Him. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” God uses all things to get our attention and focus on Him. We will look at the scriptures and the testimonies of others to see just how God brings us to Him. God will use whatever He has to bring us to Him. Are we listening, watching, and acknowledging His work in our lives and others? He is at work for our good!